
Some things need to be done and done before and after this operation. If you want to have a healthy mouth and get through this process in the best possible way, this is vital. Everything will end in a great way if the recommendations given are implemented. In this way, both your dentist and you will be satisfied with this procedure. Antalya dental health center in Turkey will help you get through this process in the best way by giving you a lot of support before and after of this treatment.

Before tooth extraction operations, the patient’s films are evaluated and an idea of the quality of the jawbone is obtained. Then, the type of implant to be used by the dentist is decided. This stage is very important, as implants are produced in different shapes and sizes according to different situations. Again, at this stage, the probability of any negative results is very low, since the person is informed about all the transactions that will be made and their image will be shown after the completion of the transactions.

After tooth extraction is complete, implants will be put in. Before implants are inserted, hygiene in the mouth must be ensured. Because, the installation of implants is a completely surgical operation, and the importance of sterilization to be provided in this operation is very great. After the necessary hygiene is provided; the gums in the area where the implants will be installed are opened by your dentist with a surgical operation. After the jawbone is seen, the implant opens up enough space in the part to be inserted, without being too hard on the bone, and the implants are screwed. The top of these implants is closed with closing screws and the opened gums are re-sewn.

Here’s what you need to do after your implants are inserted. First, the stitches should not take a blow during the healing process since the gums that are opened by surgery are sewn and closed. Hard foods should not be consumed until the stitches are removed and pressure should not be applied to the stitched area. Moreover, after the implants are inserted, you need to pay attention to your nutrition for a few months. During this period, which is the process of boiling with the jawbone of the titanium implant, excessive hot or excessively cold foods should not be consumed. Otherwise, you may damage the stability of the implant. Smoking and drinking alcohol increase the risk of inflammation and delay healing of the wound area. So you should be careful not to consume these two substances at least until the wounds heal. People who smoke should not smoke for 15 days before having their implants installed and after this operation for 1 month. How good this operation will be for you is in your hands. As long as you follow these rules, you will have great oral health by healthily surviving this process by coming Antalya, Turkey.