Что такое циркониевые зубы и как Они изготавливаются?


Along with aesthetic expectations very similar to natural teeth, attention has been paid to the aesthetics of the materials used in the mouth, especially in the anterior regions. New alternatives have begun to be sought in metal-supported porcelain crowns, which have been used for many years, because of the aesthetic problems caused by the lack […]

Сколько стоит полный комплект зубов в Турции?


In general, 20 crowns or veneers are sufficient for full set teeth. This number may increase depending on the mouth structure and smile line of our patient. Treatment requires 7 days with free hotel accommodation and VIP Transfer Service.Zirconium crown, E-max Laminate Veneer, porcelain crown prices are available on our site.Zirconium crowns full veneers: £160

Do Veneers/Crowns Damage Your Natural Teeth?


Today, many of our patients can have healthy teeth in 7 days with the dental veneer method. For aesthetic reasons, the teeth can be obtained by cloning the teeth. It is ensured that the teeth that have lost excessive substance due to some reasons are covered with tooth-shaped materials. These types of procedures do not […]