This process is planned to solve multiple oral complications such as cosmetic and/or structural flaws. Crackings, chips, fractures oral stains, gaps and unaligned teeth may have a poor effect on our smile. Your concerns will be addressed quickly by our experts when we plan a roadmap together through a well-tailored process to meet your expectations at its best.

3D Consultation Technique

Up to 10 Days Recovery Period

24/7 Assistance and After Care Service


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Our dentistry is based on innovation and up to date technology to ensure a high quality dental care.

We offer a warranty service as we provide a high quality dentistry according to international standards.

Methods to be used in this process are:
Porcelain Crowns
Zirconium Crowns
Emax Laminate Veneer
Teeth Veneer
Teeth Whitening
Porcelain, Zirconium crowns and laminate veneers could be used to hide and cover minor oral flaws. It is possible to achieve straight teeth, improved occlusion, and a healthy appearance with the help of orthodonthic treatment. Therefore, in final stage of threatment, by using whitening techniques you will have your shiny smile after we remove stains. Our dental experts will consider every minor and major detail when designing your new smile makeover to deliver the greatest result.
What exactly is Hollywood Smile?
It is a cosmetic operation done by our experts to deliver an everlasting solution related to your smile. This method includes the usage of dental veneers to conceal unwanted dental flaws such as desaturation, chipped teeth, or unaligned teeth.
Results of this process are quite natural, and it promises solid longevity.
Designing smile for a patient is exactly like aesthetic surgeries done on the face. Unaligned teeth are replaced with aligned and sequential teeth during operation. This way, you will have your perfect smile as an addition, we will eliminate any jaw deformity and disorder for you.
So, this mentioned “Hollywood Smile” is essentially what we call “smile aesthetic” to deliver sequential teeth.
When you first come to the clinic, you will be orally examined first to check what type of a treatment you need.
What is included in Hollywood Smile operation?
Teeth whitening, laminated tooth veeners and Zirconium veneers are some just some of the important procedures that are followed.
The extent of the process is what determines the price of the procedure.
How long does it take?
If patient has no implant treatment, it is done in 7 days total in a single visit.
Cases where root canal treatment, filling, dental bridge, and fiber post treatment are required, the process is again will take 7 days in a single visit as well.
How is aftercare done after Hollywood Smile?
To preserve your shiny smile, oral care has high importance. Dental floss and brushing your teeth must be done twice daily. Make sure there is no food stuck left between structures as this can result in inflammation, pain, and inconvenience. Additionally, food stuck in between teeth may damage the veneers so it would be healthy to use antibacterial mouthwash.
How long is Hollywood Smile operation going to take in Turkey?
Your treatment in Antalya, Turkey takes 7 days. It covers free hotel accommodation and VIP transfer services as well. Get your perfect smile today with our experts.
What are the steps in Hollywood Smile process?
Your first appointment
Like any other treatment, the first thing will be done is an examination by a specialist and the examination is free. Some preliminary operations are done during this phase. Flaws such as gum and sensitivity are also treated.
Preparing the Teeth
Depends on the type of veener and/or crowns to be prepared, teeth are crafted in certain numbers. Determining the problems and tooth insertion take 1 week on average. After 7 days, the tooth is attached in around 10-15 minutes. The same day, you may still eat and drink after we attach. Your temporary teeth will be planted until next phase doing so, we eliminate the possibility of sensitivity problems.
Selection of Tooth Color and Shape
Aesthetic dentistry aims to deliver a shiny smile along with healthy teeth. When designing teeth, color is as striking as the shape. Therefore, color selection carries great importance when performing applications like porcelain veneers, whitening, and prosthesis. A natural looking tooth would carry more importance in terms of aeshetics although the patient’s priority is white and bright teeth.
Selection of color has great effect on tonal differences, to eliminate incoherence your doctor will guide you through the process. When color scale is presented, you should be choosing your color quickly during measurement since our eyes start perceiving tonal differences with difficulty. In such case, you may wait for a bit so you can see clearer. You may also try choosing under different lights. Color choosen under daylight would prove the most ideal choice.
Similarities between shape of our face and tooth forms are a well-known fact. Usually, people with long face have long tooth forms whereas people with square and round face types, have square and round shaped teeth.
Preparation Rehearsals
Until the final phase is reached, material examples are fitted into your mouth before bonding process and well adjusted according to your face and mouth.
Your Last Appointment
After 7 days, your teeth are attached in around 15 minutes, and you may continue eating and drinking as usual.


